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Here is an opportunity to do something that will


Impact The Community!


Help Ryan make a difference


There are many ways to volunteer,

from walking door to door to hosting fundraising events.

Here are ways you can help:


Whether its in your living room, around your kitchen table or at a backyard Barbecue, Ryan Gilliam will be happy to attend and share his vision of a Virginia Beach that works for everyone.


Ryan is also available to speak to local civic leagues, business/professional organizations, garden parties or attend your civic functions as a guest speaker.


Whatever your concern, whatever your group or organization, Ryan Gilliam is willing to meet and discuss with you what your vision of a better Virginia Beach would be.


Simply send an Email to our campaign and Ryan would be more than happy to join you.


No campaign for office can be won by a single person and Ryan is inviting you to join his campaign team.


We need concerned citizens to:

  • Canvass neighborhoods,

  • Knock on neighbors doors,

  • Make telephone calls,

  • Send Emails,

  • Place/deliver yard signs,

  • Offer commercial space for 4x4 signs

  • Attend Get-Out-The-Vote rally's,


Campaigns can be hard work, but can also be a lot of fun, especially for young people from middle-school to High School age. It can open doors of opportunity and create lifelong friendships over shared values that are community based.

Join Ryan's campaign today!


Campaign material such as signs and palm cards, television and radio ads as well as every other good and service a campaign needs costs and your contribution is important.


You can help Ryan with a  $5.00, $10.00, $20.00 contribution or more!

Red Contribute button
Join the Ryan Gilliam Campaign

Ryan Gilliam

1604 Douglas Court
Virginia Beach, VA 23464

Tel: 757-319-1982


Thanks for submitting!

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